SCS DAV Public School

Haveli Kharagpur, Munger, Bihar - 811213

About School


This school was eshtablished in the year 2011. The school is functioning in a lush green and historical area. This school is affilitated to CBSE, New Delhi upto secondary level......

Principal Message


I welcome you all to the great temple of learning. We believe in work for a cause not for applause, live life to express not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. Feel the legacy not just money.DAV Public School, Haveli Kharagpur, Munger.......

Important Message by
DAV Management


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Contact Us ↓

SCS DAV Public School,
At - Chandbali Sthan
Post Office - Haveli Kharagpur,
District - Munger, Bihar - 811213
Contact: 7050788787(O)

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